Broccoli Salad – it’s not as bad as it sounds!

My housemate loves broccoli. I don’t mind it. It’s green, it’s kinda funny looking… and the best way I think to eat it, other than in this salad, is to put the florets standing up in sweet mash potato so it looks like a forest. But really, this is much more grown up, and tastes interesting.

It’s a version of the broccoli salad from Jamie’s America, although i recommend his dressing over mine. I didn’t have white wine vinegar, so used sherry vinegar. Hmm.

Broccoli Salad

smell [n/a]: No smell really, and to be honest, blanching broccoli doesn’t elicit truly delicious aromas. It’s broccoli.

taste [ 5/5]: Lovely. and you feel so virtuous eating it, as it’s broccoli. And remember this – it will make your eyes shine with health. Just don’t over dress it like I did. It is a tangy mix fetta and chives, sprinkled over blanched, lovely vibrantly green broccoli. Mustard, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, vinegar and a little honey make up the dressing.

easy [2.5/5]: It wasn’t hard, it’s an assembly job. Blanch the broccoli, fry off some mushroom, snip in chives and whisk up the dressing. It feels good though to cook vegetables midday.

hard: Nope.

quirk: Jamie’s has tomatoes in his. I recommend this.

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